Individual Training

Whether you want to improve your performance in Sales, Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, Communications, Presentations or Customer Service you’ll find professional development courses here that perfectly match your learning style preference. Choose from time-spaced courses, shorter seminars, or web or mobile delivered programs – whatever suits the way you learn best. SMI offers personal one-on-one coaching and mentoring for Working professionals and Individuals on various soft skills.

At SMI we strongly believe that Life needs a strategy as much as a business does. We initiate and champion the attitudinal and behavioral change process in individuals to help bring the best out of them. We help you recognize your talents, strengths, and opportunities. We invite you to experience a life renewing partnership and create a strategy for your life. Our One to one Coaching & Mentoring will make your journey to excellence enjoyable through following range of offerings from SMI. These aim at improving your creative abilities, boosting confidence and minimizing conflicts in your life.

  • Self awareness
  • Achieving Peak performance
  • Managing Change
  • Leadership excellence
  • Life skills Mentoring
  • Personal & Managerial Excellence
  • The Science of Living
  • NLP Methods for Success in Life.
  • Work Life Balancing and many more